Isn’t it amazing how time flies when you’re having fun? Well, I‘ve been busy and we’ve had some wonderful visits from friends in the last month. Plus, it’s been very difficult to sit down and write up an update to send out. The “writing mood” just wasn’t there! Anyway, I need to get another update out and let everybody know what we’ve been doing.

When we got back from Minnesota we had the opportunity to spend some time with some Monaco friends after their rally. Bob & Maribel Clerc and Bill & Kathy Corroum stopped by Hart Ranch and we had some great times with them. One night we had a Monaco gathering under the awning and I BBQ’d some chicken for the gang. There was enough chicken for several meals and plenty of Two Buck Chuck to make the evening enjoyable. Bob Clerc and I made the obligatory Sam’s Club run while the ladies did their shopping routine. Corroums had to leave early and went to Ellsworth AFB for the remainder of their stay in the Black Hills. While they were here Jim & Peggy Grich stopped by for a week’s stay. They produce the American RVer Internet TV Show. They did an episode from Hart Ranch and we had the chance to spend some treasured time with them. Jim liked the Black Hills so much that he bought a new motorcycle while he was here.

Then last Saturday I received a phone call from a former SPPD motorcycle partner, Greg Jebb. He was in Newcastle and on his way to Hart Ranch. We spent some time with Greg & Claudia and enjoyed every minute of their visit. They joined right in with the local crowd that we enjoy for dinners and Happy Hours. We were sorry to see them leave on Thursday morning headed back to San Diego.

A couple of weeks ago one of the park’s residents stopped by the coach to see if I’d be interested in going with him for a short flight. Bob Bienview owns his own airplane and needed to take it out for some exercise. I jumped at the chance to see this area from a different perspective and we left Saturday morning for a quick one-hour flight. We took off from the Rapid City airport and circled over Hart Ranch for some photos. Then we went to Mt. Rushmore followed by Crazy Horse. We then flew north to Sturgis and checked out the Glencoe Campground and the Buffalo Chip. Those are the two venues where the big name entertainment come in to perform. Both of the campgrounds were relatively empty compared to past years. The fuel costs and general economy have really impacted the Sturgis Rally. We were airborne for about an hour, but what an experience to see the area from 3000’ above the ground!

It doesn’t seem possible that the summer is almost over - we’ll be leaving here on Sept. 5th and heading west for the winter. I’ll post our schedule in the next Travelogue. In the mean time we’ve been really busy. The weather has been fantastic this summer! There has been enough moisture to keep all the grounds very green all summer. We have kept the mowers and weed whackers constantly busy and still managed to get some other important projects completed. It’s been a terrific summer!

In two weeks we’ll be on the road again and probably won’t be sending out another Travelogue until then. We’re looking forward to getting back to San Diego, but also feeling some at the thought of leaving Rapid City. We have so many friends here and will be anxious to return in the spring. Like many folks, we’re watching the Olympic coverage on TV and enjoying the quiet (and cool) nights we’ve experienced in the last two weeks.


Jerry and Suzy said...

Good to hear from you again! We have stopped our blog completely due to lack of response, and send a small email about our adventures to those few who asked us to continue.

Have fun - you're having lots of visitors, and that's a good thing. Good friends, good times, good life!

Linda and Andy Clarkson said...

Glad to hear all is well with you guys. We are getting ready to get back on the road again also - too bad we won't be crossing paths anytime soon. We will see you in San Diego while you are there. Safe travels and we will be looking forward to more updates to your Blog.